Life’s Rich Tapestry

A podcast exploring the narrative of people’s layered lives – Featuring  a mix of solo episodes and interviews with esteemed guests.  Listen in on courageous conversations spoken from the heart.  Gain insight into another’s life as we tackle compelling topics, which will expand your mind, help you gain perspective and might even inspire you to do things differently.

If you would be interested in being a guest on my podcast, please me by clicking here.

My name is Evelyn and I look forward to your company.


In addition to hosting my own podcast, I’ve also been a guest on several different mediums.

My appearance on ABC News discussing conducting end of life ceremonies – Why a living funeral was the right decision for John Gilius and his partner in the face of death

My guest appearance on the ABC Life Matters podcast – Would you go to your own funeral? A ‘living funeral’ might be your opportunity

My guest appearance on the Silent Why podcast with Claire Sandys – Let’s Chat… Funeral Celebrants (with Evelyn Calaunan)